Nov 07

Ver o cambiar la clave de Office 2016

Para  ver la clave de office 2016 se debe de hacer desde la consola ( CMD) como administrador.

Con los siguentes comandos podras ver o cambiar la clave de office 2016.

En  Windows 32bits:

 cscript “C:\Archivos de Programa\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS” /dstatus

 cscript “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS” /dstatus

En Windows 64bits

 cscript “C:\Archivos de Programa (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS” /dstatus

 cscript “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS” /dstatus


Para cambiar la clave de Office  el parametro es:

 cscript “C:\Archivos de Programa (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs” /inpkey "NUEVACLAVE"

 cscript “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs” /inpkey "NUEVACLAVE»






Este comando tiene muchas mas funciones:


Office 2016 Client Software License Management Tool

cscript ospp.vbs /Option:Value ComputerName User Password
     ComputerName: Name of remote computer. If a computer name is not passed local computer is used.
     User: Account with required privilege on remote computer.
     Password: Password for the account. If a User account and password are not passed current credentials are used.
     Value: Required for outlined options.


Global /Options Description
/act Activate installed Office product keys.
/inpkey:value Install a product key (replaces existing key) with user-provided product key. Value parameter applies.
/unpkey:value Uninstall an installed product key with user-provided partial product key (as displayed by the /dstatus option). Value parameter applies.
/inslic:value Install a license with user-provided path to the .xrm-ms license. Value parameter applies.
/dstatus Display license information for installed product keys.
/dstatusall Display license information for installed licenses.
/dhistoryacterr Display MAK/Retail activation failure history.
/dinstid Display installation ID for offline activation.
/actcid:value Activate product with user-provided confirmation ID. Value parameter applies.
/rearm Reset the licensing status for all installed Office product keys.
/rearm:value Reset the licensing status for an Office license with user provided SKUID value (as displayed by the /dstatus opton). Value parameter applies.
/ddescr:value Display the description for a user-provided error code. Value parameter applies.
KMS client /Options Description
/dhistorykms Display KMS client activation history.
/dcmid Display KMS client machine ID (CMID).
/sethst:value Set a KMS host name with user-provided host name. Value parameter applies.
/setprt:value Set a KMS port with user-provided port number. Value parameter applies.
/remhst Remove KMS host name (sets port to default).
/cachst:value Permit or deny KMS host caching. Value parameter applies (TRUE or FALSE).
/actype:value Set volume activation type. Value parameter applies. (Windows 8 and above support only)

Values: 1 (for AD) or 2 (for KMS) or 3 (for Token) or 0 (for all).

/skms-domain:value Set the specific DNS domain in which all KMS SRV records can be found. This setting has no effect if the specific single KMS host is set via /sethst option. Value parameter applies. (Windows 8 and above support only)


/ckms-domain Clear the specific DNS domain in which all KMS SRV records can be found. The specific KMS host will be used if set via /sethst option. Otherwise default KMS auto-discovery will be used. (Windows 8 and above support only)
Token /Options Description
/dtokils Display installed token-based activation issuance licenses.
/rtokil:value Uninstall an installed token-based activation issuance license with user-provided license id (as displayed by the /dtokils option). Value parameter applies.
/stokflag Set token-based activation only flag. (Windows 7 support only)
/ctokflag Clear token-based activation only flag. (Windows 7 support only)
/dtokcerts Display token-based activation certificates.
/tokact:value1:value2 Token activate with a user-provided thumbprint (as displayed by the /dtokcerts option) and a user-provided PIN (optional). Value parameter applies.


Prior to running ospp.vbs ensure that:

Windows firewall allows WMI traffic on remote computer.

You have or pass credentials with required permissions on remote computer.

Cmd.exe is elevated (right click > Run as administrator).

Sample Usage

cscript ospp.vbs /act  ‘Activate Office on local computer.

cscript ospp.vbs /act mypc1  ‘Activate Office on remote computer mypc1 with current credentials.

cscript ospp.vbs /inpkey:MFKXT-F6DT2-THMRV-KDWH2-TCDTC  ‘Install an Office product key on local computer.

cscript ospp.vbs /inslic:\\myserver\licenses\tail.xrm-ms ‘Install license on local computer.

cscript ospp.vbs /inslic:»\\myserver\work licenses\office2016 tail.xrm-ms» mypc1 ‘Install license on remote computer mypc1. Note the path is enclosed in «» since the value contains spaces.

cscript ospp.vbs /ddescr:0xC004F009 ‘Display the description for error code.

cscript ospp.vbs /actype:1 ‘Set volume activation type to Active Directory only.

/Token only

cscript ospp.vbs /rtokil:4476b20e ‘Uninstall an issuance license with license ID.

cscript ospp.vbs /tokact:96DE6755ABE0BC7D398E96C3AA3C7BFE8B565248 ‘Token activate with thumbprint.

cscript ospp.vbs /tokact:56AE6755AAB0BC7D398E96C3AA3C7BFE8B565256:54344 ‘Token activate with thumbprint & PIN

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